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The Paradigm Shift in Acting: Why Your Mental Health Matters and How It Impacts Your Craft

Apr 11, 2023

Actors, the paradigm shift with this work is you matter, the actor matters.

How you feel matters, your mental health matters.

And that’s why I work with you first and foremost, and your relationship with the world around you in a way that’s curious, exciting, pleasurable, playful, and then that inspires your art form.

So traditionally we’ve been told, leave your feelings at the door. They don’t belong here.It’s just about the work. Whether you’re an artist or you’re working in a corporation is probably pretty similar, that who you are as a person doesn’t matter.

However, we are in the art of the human experience, and we are in an evolutionary, transformative art form.

So who you are does matter to me and how you are resourced and how you are supported to create matters to me.

How do we empower that? We individually get to know ourselves, and ourselves as a creative genius, creative being.

What is it you need personally in order to thrive in your art form?

The tradition of the suffering artist has nothing to do with the sensitivity and sensibility of the artist. It is to do with the conditions and the environments that artists are asked to survive in. The thing that derails the artist is the environment.

Change the environment, embolden and empower the artist.

That’s what we’re doing here. It’s a bit of a paradigm shift.

Our environments shape who we are. Our characters’ world shapes who they are.

The people you’re surrounded by mirror back to you, your sense of self, the people that populate the plays and scripts that you are working on shape how free or not your character can be.

If you want to expand and deepen your acting process and bring more diversity, nuance and complexity to your performance. DM to get started. We are now auditioning for The Actor’s Practice!!

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