The Empowerment Blog

Trust & The Subconscious acting complexity Nov 08, 2022

‘By noticing more of your own complex nature, the more alive your response will be.’ - Helena Walsh

Trust & The Subconscious

There is a whisper that lies amidst the more subtle and nuanced part of your being, it emerges gently from the silence and guides you deeply to the safer...

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The path is one to be walked, to be felt and keep embodying acting complexity Nov 08, 2022

“The path is one to be walked, to be felt, and keep embodying
Let go of the past, let go of the future, let go of the present, and keep going!"

~ Boaz Feldman @bfsimple

What does it mean to be affected? If you are in fight, flight or freeze, it is challenging to be affected. You shut down,...

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