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Preparing to Receive: Unlocking the Depths of Expression

acting Jun 27, 2023

Actors, preparing to receive the characters, the story, and the environment in a film set can greatly impact your ability to express yourself from the present moment. This preparation involves understanding the interconnectedness of various elements, ranging from biology to the cosmos.

In terms of biology and neurology, the actor receives sensations, emotions, thoughts, and images. These images can originate both internally and externally, from the environment and other characters. On a collective level, one also receives and processes what is happening in the surrounding environment. Additionally, the cosmos, representing the creative divine, moves through the individual.

At the crossroads of these dimensions, the act of preparing to receive becomes multi-dimensional and simultaneous. The key is to be fully present. What one receives is far greater and more expansive than one can imagine, while simultaneously being anchored in the sensory experiences of the present moment—what is seen, heard, touched, and felt.

The interaction between individuals further adds complexity, as receiving another person can trigger multiple associations and networks within the brain. These elements should not be seen as separate entities but rather as interconnected aspects that one receives simultaneously. Consequently, when expressing oneself, surprises may arise as unexpected discoveries unfold.

It is essential to note that one cannot force or control this process. Instead, the focus should be on creating the initial conditions, inviting the character in, and allowing the experience to unfold naturally. This process continues in daily life, where the practice involves digesting life in small, meaningful portions—valuing and learning from each day’s experiences. Recognizing when it becomes overwhelming and adjusting accordingly is crucial, as too much can hinder the ability to receive effectively.

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