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Fight for your peace of mind

acting coaching empowerment spoken word Sep 30, 2021

When your thoughts ambush you like a bunch of hyenas because you are too tired to notice their approach , rest in the embrace of the environments you love, the people you feel easy and soft with. Rest in places the eyes feel beauty, the eyes feel nourished, the eyes feel kissed. Rest in the places the ears feel soothed by birdsong or the rolling waves, feel your inner gentle vibration meet the nuance of the life that gently soothes your tired heart, soul and mind. Drink from the tactile well of the feel of your clothes on your skin, the feel of the leather chair supporting your back, the wooden table holding your arms where they rest in order to be held. The body knows what the mind does not. The body knows how to rest, listen to its need to rest in the arms of the senses and the people and places we love. Reach out and ask “ hold me I am weary today’ ! Reach out “ I am tired today ! Reach out “ I feel less than whole today can you fill in the gaps while I recover because I can’t do this alone “ . You were never meant to do anything alone that felt too much. If it is too much reach out ask for your hand to be held, your back to be supported, your breath to be guided, your eyes to be cleaned. In rest and digest a new rooted intimacy with your own humanity is grown. From that growth something truly original and creative emerges. Honouring the silence in you that needs not to be fixed because it is not broken just weary. It is okay to be weary, it is okay to rest especially when we feel lost then the way forward will appear more naturally as you will see it in your stillness, in your silence while being held by a touch, a smile, a cup of coffee, the sound of silence. In these moments you will touch a kind of love that has a grace that is beyond words snd cannot be written about or defined, an elusive love from a profound source that will wrap you in the essence of who you are and remind you of who you have been all along. Rest to remember the sense of who you are and digest the wonder of that and from that space and place you will feel layers of the unknown emerge and weave your story into existence.

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