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What is the purpose of Fitzmaurice Voicework® postures?

acting fitzmaurice voicework voice Aug 12, 2022

Fitzmaurice Voicework® postures work through all the different energy centres in your body so you experience more freedom and focus in your acting. Organic Intelligence grounds you richly in the here and now so you become each moment, inspired by what is alive in the seen and unseen pulse of its expression. Slowly you can find a different form of trust, a trust in something bigger than you and with boundless creative potential. Your work becomes playful, complex, arresting and unique.

So instead of vigilance being your form of protecting the vulnerability needed for your art form and the unconscious fight, flight or freeze, your shield. Traditionally, the gatekeeper of your creative heart and soul.

Let's challenge the fight, flight, freeze mechanism and let's move into following your curiosity, your adventure, your exploration in the unknown. But not naively. If an animal walks into the unknown, it uses its senses to figure out where it is. So you're walking into the unknown, but you always know where you are, through orienting to the here and now, a practice the skills of Organic Intelligence will give you .

So the “knowing” that we're interested in, is the knowing of the senses, is the knowing of how you feel in this moment, is the knowing of imagination, is the knowing of the conscious, is the knowing of insight, is the knowing of orientation. These strategic uses of perception offer a more wholesome experience of the here and now and allow you to experience your life and art. What is the kind of knowing that present moment offers you ? And can you listen to your imagination, listen to your sensation, listen to your emotion, listen to your insights, observe from your consciousness lightly without taking any of them too seriously and allowing them all move in and weave in and out of one another.

And that's a practice - “The Mosaic of life” and what the postures do is just give you a greater palate and relationship with sensation, emotions, images, the senses, insight and consciousness.

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